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Opportunities to Connect & Serve

Christ calls us to be in community with others, and to serve people.  There are many meaningful events, causes, and opportunities to serve our community in fellowship with the great people of Carol Stream and DuPage County.  Here are some of the many ways to connect & serve through Heritage!   

Check back frequently for additions!

Key opportunities by month

November 2024

  • The annual Heritage Thanksgiving Baskets program providing 20 turkey dinners is in full gear! Selected classes from School District 200 in Wheaton will again be joining Heritage so that families served by the Carol Stream Interfaith Food Pantry can receive a special Thanksgiving blessing. Instructions are as follows:

    • TURKEYS: $20 dollar donations may be inserted in one of the envelopes found in the narthex. Place the envelope in the basket found on the table and note your donation on the sign-up sheet.

    • SIDES: Donations for one or more of the following sides should be indicated by writing your name on the appropriate food item lists found on the table in the narthex: rolls, butter, potatoes, and applesauce.

    • SCHEDULE: Bring food items to Sunday worship on November 10th or November 17th.

    • If you are interested in taking the food to the pantry on Monday, November 18th, or handing out the baskets to their clients on November 19th or 20th, please contact Nick S.


  • Fall Retreat: Saturday, November 2 from 9:00-2:00 - Join your Heritage friends for a time of reflection and learning about what makes your life meaningful.  We will explore our personal values, making the connection between what we value and who God calls us to be.  Staff members from the Central DuPage Pastoral Counseling Center will help us learn ways to be open, be present, and do what matters with our lives.  Lunch, including sandwich and soup options, will be included.  


  • Wreath of Remembrance - On Sunday, November 3rd, we will be observing All Saints Day.  As you may know, we have a Wreath of Remembrance that has white ribbons with names of loved ones on them.  As is our custom, we will be adding to the Wreath the names of loved ones who passed away in 2024.  However, this does NOT mean that you can't add the name of a loved one who passed away prior to 2024.  White ribbons to write on will be available Sunday.  You may also send the name of the person you want to remember to the church email (  We will attach a white ribbon to the Wreath in their memory for you.

  • Northern Illinois Food Bank Volunteer Day: Saturday, November 16 from 8:45-noon - Heritage is putting together a team of volunteers for this day to help sort and pack food for distribution to local food banks. This is open to all volunteers who are at least 8 years old. To join Heritage’s team, add your name to the sign-up sheet in the narthex or email the church office before October 30.​

  • The Gathering - Wednesdays November 6th and 20th - The Gathering is the first and third Wednesday of every month at 10:30 am until around noon.  We will be continuing our discussion of the book, Practicing: Changing Yourself to Change the World, by Kathy Escober.  We will watch a video on a topic from the book and then break into groups for discussion. The program is in hybrid format, so you can be at the church or online via Zoom.  This fall, we will meet for lunch afterwards, alternating between going out to eat and bringing your own bag lunch.   We would love to have you try it out!  You do not have to buy or have read the book to come.  And we will gladly order you a book if you wish to continue.  If you would like to know more, please reach out to any of our group leaders (Nancy O, Margaret S, Nick S) or Pastor Sara.


  • Heritage All Church Prayer Group: Thursdays at 1:00 PM on Zoom.  A dedicated group of folks gather online every Thursday afternoon for a time of reconnection and prayer. Participants share prayer concerns for individuals, situations, communities, or events happening around the world. There are no requirements or expectations that everyone will pray each week. Please come; all are welcome at this Zoom event (find the link in the weekly online events below)


  • Pastor’s Preview: Sundays at 9:00 AM - All are welcome on Sunday mornings for a time of engaging with the sermon text, learning more about the history of the passage, exploring the passages surrounding the text, and sometimes looking at translation challenges between the original language and the English translation.

December 2024

  • NEW! Advent Lunch & Learn: December 4th, 11th, and 18th at 11:30AM.  Once the trees shed their brightly colored leaves in autumn, the natural world enters a time of rest. Some animals hibernate, plants and trees enter a dormant time, and for humans, the cold days and early sunsets often lead to a slower pace of life. This Advent, using the book, All Earth is Waiting: Good News for God’s Creation at Advent by Katie Z. Dawson as a guide, we will explore how all creation longs for the coming of Christ and how we might come to understand our responsibilities as stewards of the earth in new ways. Join the conversation on Zoom or in-person at the church. Come to the church at 11:30 with your lunch for a time of fellowship before we begin the learning portion at noon.  All are welcome.  Special note: You do not need a copy of the book to attend, but if you intend to purchase a copy, pay close attention to the book title. You want to purchase All Earth is Waiting: Good News for God’s Creation at Advent instead of the devotional accompaniment to this book, entitled All Earth is Waiting: Good News for the Season.

  • SAVE THE DATE - Saturday, December 7th - Annual Christmas Potluck Dinner - Please come to Heritage for our Annual Christmas Potluck Dinner!  A Potluck of favorite sides & desserts with “traditional” ham and turkey.  Saturday, December 7th.  Dinner will start at 5:30pm and the entertainment by the Olde Town Carolers will start around 6:30pm.  Please sign up in the Narthex and indicate your attendance and what side dish you will bring and if you can help with set up and/or clean up.  Turkey, ham and drinks will be provided.  This will be a delicious dinner and a fun evening of Christmas music to put us in the holiday mood!  We hope to see you there!  Questions, please contact Nancy O.​

  • December 24th – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Communion.  Worship begins at 6:30 PM.  All are welcome! 


  • Heritage All Church Prayer Group: Thursdays at 1:00 PM on Zoom.  A dedicated group of folks gather online every Thursday afternoon for a time of reconnection and prayer. Participants share prayer concerns for individuals, situations, communities, or events happening around the world. There are no requirements or expectations that everyone will pray each week. Please come; all are welcome at this Zoom event (find the link in the weekly online events below)


  • Pastor’s Preview: Sundays at 9:00 AM - All are welcome on Sunday mornings for a time of engaging with the sermon text, learning more about the history of the passage, exploring the passages surrounding the text, and sometimes looking at translation challenges between the original language and the English translation.


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