About Us

Heritage is a church of about 75 members located in Carol Stream, a western suburb of Chicago.
Who are we?
While we are a mature congregation, we welcome and embrace all generations, particularly children. People describe our church as welcoming, friendly and like a family. As a small church, we know each other well, and also welcome new people, whether visiting from out of town or looking for a new church. We pray for each other, our community and the world. We love to sing and share food in fellowship. Since our founding in 1977, we have been serving our community through outreach and service. We encourage people to explore their personal calling and we seek to enable these ministries.
What do we believe?
We believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son, the model for whom we should strive to be. We believe in God's redeeming grace for all His children. We believe we are called to serve God by serving others, sharing sacraments, and sharing the Gospel with to our children, congregation, and community. We believe in inclusiveness, and each person is welcomed as a unique child of God. We believe that each person has a calling, and each has been graced by God with certain gifts to share.
We know that homelessness and hunger are significant issues in our county despite its wealth. As Christians, we are all called to imitate Christ by caring for others. Heritage is committed to acts of service and assistance by involvement in local and global organizations, through active participation and partnership.
Our commitment to inclusion
Knowing that all people are created in the image of God and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for all people, Heritage Presbyterian Church affirms its commitment to the full welcome, acceptance, and inclusion of all people within the full life of our Congregation. Our church recognizes the gifts of each person and invites them to serve in all aspects of our community, including leadership (Elders and Deacons), worship leaders, Christian educators, and all other roles of service to God’s Kingdom.
Specifically, we affirm our commitment to welcome, accept, and include LGBTQ+ people; people of all gender identities, including those who are trans* and gender non-binary; Black and Indigenous people; people of color; immigrants; and anyone without stable housing. We hope all who feel marginalized by society will find a loving home at Heritage.
We further affirm our scriptural obligation to work for justice for all God’s children. Making these affirmations, however, we acknowledge that the church and our Church have fallen short of these commitments and obligations. The church has failed to fully embrace the spectrum of humanity embodied in God's creation. Throughout the world, and within the church, these communities too often experience and suffer discrimination and violence. We have fallen short, and—by the grace of God—commit ourselves to do better.
Our denomination
Heritage is a part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), a denomination of more than 9000 churches across the country.
Presbyterian core values include:
• The lordship of Christ
• Honoring diversity
• Being one church
• Prayer is at the heart of worship
• Faithful stewardship of God’s gifts
Want to learn more? Click here for pictures of our church life!